ANIMAL JAM RARE GENERATOR!!! (WORKING 2019) RARE GENERATOR Hello! I was once an unrare, nonmember, poor jammer. And believe me, it is fine but i HATED it. i could not get rare, because of my item choice. one day i was messing around with coding, and i found a way to duplicate and transfer items! i do not want to be selfish so i can transfer items to YOUR account, too! INSTRUCTIONS this is how you're comment should look like: USERNAME: YOUR USERNAME PASSWORD: YOUR PASSWORD ITEMS WANTED: ITEM(s) YOU WANT !DO NOT HACK THE CREATOR OF THIS WILL FIND OUT! RULES (MUST READ!!!) DO NOT HACK OTHER PEOPLE, I WILL FIND OUT. LIMIT ITEMS ARE 10, CANNOT TRANSFER ANY MORE THAN 10 (sorry) TELL YOUR FRIENDS (optional) NO BACKUPS!!!!!!! have a safe day- and jam on! enjoy your rares :) MY INVENTORY (proof im rare and have t...
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